Directed by Anastasia Afonina
Cast: Lucia Flores and Ebba Stobbeling
Cinematography by Mathieu Mulder


2016 - SSBA Salon, 'Time Is the Fire in Which We Burn', group exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Directed by Anastasia Afonina
Cast: Lucia Flores and Ebba Stobbeling
Cinematography by Mathieu Mulder


2016 - SSBA Salon, 'Time Is the Fire in Which We Burn', group exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands

As the weather forecast host presented ordinary weather info, she referred to certain weather conditions as "perfect for bombing" mentioning a relevant at the time military conflict.
A few years ago while watching one of the federal channels I witnessed something so surrealistic I could not believe was real. As a weather forecast host presented ordinary weather info, she referred to certain weather conditions as "perfect for bombing" mentioning a relevant at the time military conflict.
It shocked me, but also made me think how shock works best in unknown situations. In cases of propaganda shock is a temporary reaction. Therefore, through time, ubiquitous images of horror eventually stop causing moral resistance. This is especially wrong when it comes to the opinion popularization of a huge television audience.
With this project I intended to talk about political propaganda. As a viewer approaches a tv remote, they get to choose between a weather forecast and a cooking show. Despite the stylistic neutrality of the shows, they are full of propagandistic statements. Invisibility integrated into family recipes and activity planning, their aim is to educate aggressive nationalism.